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Meal Planner Pro will help you to save time and money while improving your health in just a few easy steps.

  • Create a profile for each family member.

    Unlock personalized meal planning tools and features based on your individual and family health goals.

    Create a Profile
  • Search, Save & Add Your Own Recipes

    Search by such things as gluten-free recipes, healthy lunch, breakfast and dinner ideas. Then, save your favourites!

    Search for Recipes
  • Add Saved Recipes to the meal planning calendar

    Easily plan out your week or even months in advance. Simply save recipes onto the days you want.

    Create a Meal Plan
  • Create grocery lists and research products.

    All grocery and food products includes images, nutrition info, ingredients and warning labels.

    Start a Grocery List

We're here to help you every step of the way

Our ProScore system is like having your own personal nutrition expert.
We highlight the good and bad nutrition values of every food product. Then score them from 1-100.
(developed by Registered Dietitians using the latest in nutrition guidelines and food sciences)

We offer personalized meal planning tools, features and content for:

Get started today!